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​How Do I Place An Order?


You simply email me to chat about your item and how you would like me to repair it. A phograph might be requested by me to take a look. Depending on where you live and what the item is, I will give you an idea of the possible cost but (to be honest) I often need the item in front of me to really tell. To make an initial assessment, I charge £25.00 to take a good look so that I can give you an estimate of the extent of work needed and the likely cost. Once we have emailed together, we can work out a way of getting your item to me safely and securely either for the first look or to carry out the work.




I accept £25 initial payment online via my paypal account which I will email you with if you wish me to take a look.

You are responsible for posting any items to me, and you will be asked to pay for any return postage.


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